3 Ways to take a screenshot on Android

Ifyoupressthepowerbuttonfourtimes,itwilltriggertheactiontotakeascreenshot.Youhavethechoicetoconfigurewhenpressingthe ...,OnmanyAndroiddevices,youcancaptureascreenshotbypressingthePowerandVolume-downbuttonsonthedevicesimultaneously.,Pressandreleas...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to take screenshot using Power button only?

If you press the power button four times, it will trigger the action to take a screenshot. You have the choice to configure when pressing the ...

Take a screenshot

On many Android devices, you can capture a screenshot by pressing the Power and Volume-down buttons on the device simultaneously.

All the Ways to Take Screenshots on Android

Press and release the Power and Volume down buttons at the same time. If it worked, you'll see an onscreen flash, and your screenshot minimized as a thumbnail.

拍攝Android 裝置的螢幕截圖或錄製螢幕畫面影片

開啟想要擷取的螢幕畫面。 同時按住電源鍵和調低音量按鈕 。

How to take a screenshot on your Android phone or tablet

You can take a screenshot on Android by pressing the Volume down and Power buttons simultaneously for a second or two.

Take Android Screenshots With a Simple Swipe or No Buttons at All

All you need to do is swipe up from the bottom of the screen and hold your finger on the screen for a second. This will open your app drawer, ...

How to screenshot on an Android device

Press 'Shift, 'Ctrl' and 'Show Windows', then select 'Screenshot' to capture your full screen, part of the screen, or a specific window.

The 6 Best Ways to Take Screenshots on Android Phones

There's a quick and simple way to take screenshots on most Android phones. Press and hold the Power + Volume Down buttons simultaneously. Use the Android Screenshot... · Use Gestures · Use the Quick Settings Menu

Hey Google, How Do I Take a Screenshot on an Android Device?

Most recent Android devices have standardized the screenshot action to pressing the Power and Volume Down buttons simultaneously.

How to take a screenshot on a Samsung phone or tablet

Use button combinations. For all Galaxy devices, taking a screenshot typically involves the Power and Volume Down buttons. · Palm swipe method · Voice commands.


Ifyoupressthepowerbuttonfourtimes,itwilltriggertheactiontotakeascreenshot.Youhavethechoicetoconfigurewhenpressingthe ...,OnmanyAndroiddevices,youcancaptureascreenshotbypressingthePowerandVolume-downbuttonsonthedevicesimultaneously.,PressandreleasethePowerandVolumedownbuttonsatthesametime.Ifitworked,you'llseeanonscreenflash,andyourscreenshotminimizedasathumbnail.,開啟想要擷取的螢幕畫面。同時按...